YAY! Spring 2022

YAY! Spring 2022It’s officially spring 2022! Things have been getting greener and the days have been getting longer! It has been daylight when I get home for a few weeks now. That added hour of daylight last weekend sure helped things out!
The fruit trees are budding out, let’s keep our fingers crossed that we don’t get a late frost. It’s time for spring cleaning!
I am almost done kidding. Only have a few does left to go then I get to pull my kidding pens apart, and clean out the ground from under them, lime the ground and let them air out for a few months before we start kidding again. Every year I breed a few does earlier, and a few does later, trying to have kids for sale year round, instead of only in the spring. Boer goats naturally breed in the fall and winter, so it’s not always easy to get the does to cycle out of season, unless we CiDR them and give them shots.
In conclusion, Arcola Feed has you covered Spring 2022. Visit us for gardening and kidding tips this season! We are open Monday-Friday: 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. and Saturday: 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Call us at (281)431-1014 with any questions.