Watch for Antifreeze with Your Pets
Watch for Antifreeze with Your Pets: With it being winter, it is necessary to utilize antifreeze to keep our vehicles up and running and dependable during this frigid time of year. With that being said, it is important to remember that antifreeze is lethally toxic to your pets and wildlife. Even a small puddle could provide your pet with enough to make them sick and require immediate medical attention by your veterinarian.
You may ask, why would anything want to ingest antifreeze? well in actuality – antifreeze has a sweet taste that attracts animals to it. So when they go for a single taste, they will actually drink more. When animals ingest antifreeze, it is converted by the body into crystals that damage your pet’s kidneys. Generally once they show symptoms, only quick and aggressive can help prevent kidney failure.
Some tips and tricks to help you out during this time of year revolve around proper storage of antifreeze and any other chemicals or substances that can present as a toxin for your pet. To do this, place them out of reach. If you happen to spill some, quickly clean it up and properly dispose of it.
If your pet happens to ingest antifreeze or you believe they have, call your veterinarian immediately and make plans to take them in as soon as possible. Call the Pet Poison Helpline with any questions about possible toxins or poisons that your pet could get into. There have amazing resources. If you call them at 855-764-7661, they can quickly give you advice from licensed veterinarians and veterinary technicians.