Summer Forage Options

Summer Forage Options - Purina Hi FatIt’s time to think about Summer Forage Options because it is hot and dry. What little grass is left, is mostly brown and not very nutritious at the moment. There are a couple of products that can help keep your pastured cattle, goats and sheep in good flesh during the next 60 days or so of hot and dry weather.
The first is a Purina High Fat Block.   This block, sold in the red tub at Arcola Feed is 25% protein and 10% fat.  It includes a limiter.  Consumption rates will vary with amount and quality of forage, but cattle, on average will consume 1 to 3 pounds/head/day and sheep and goats will consume .5 1 pound/head/day on average. Available at Arcola Feed in a 200 pound tub.
Summer Forage Options - Vita  Charge Stress TubAnother item we carry to help your livestock thrive in this heat is the Vita-Charge Stress tubs.   Like the high fat tub, these can be fed to cattle and goats, but, due to copper levels, do not feed this tub to sheep.  These tubs are fortified with B vitamins and organic trace minerals as well as Vita Charge.  Vita Charge tubs are available in 50 pound buckets.
We are open Monday-Friday: 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. and Saturday: 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Visit us at 6215 FM 521 Arcola, Texas 77583 or contact us 281-431-1014. Come get Summer Forage Options at Arcola Feed!