Prepping for Chicks

Mother hen prepping her two chicks under her wingsPrepping for Chicks: This time of year is spent preparing for spring and this also includes the purchase of baby chicks. Most baby chicks are purchased this time of year for the Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo. It is important to know how to properly prepare for your chicks. 

Great Guide:

I always love Purina Mills, because they always post great guides to help those who are new to livestock. This even includes a great Baby Chick guide. According to Purina Mills, the 3 most important things with baby chicks are warmth, water, and feed. When preparing for chicks it is important to set up their brooder! This will be the place they will spend the beginning of their lives. It is vital that it is properly prepared prior to your chicks’ arrival. 

The brooder should have a heat lamp that is placed above your brooder to keep your chicks nice and warm. Within the first week of life, chicks need to be kept at 95 degrees Fahrenheit, and each week you can gradually drop the temperature by 5 degrees. For bedding we always recommend shavings, this will help absorb moisture and help keep your brooder clean. 

The next important part is their brooder setup is food and water. We always recommend Purina Chick Starter feed, which actually has an added medication to help keep your chicks healthy. Aside from food, always ensure your chicks have assess to clean and fresh water. 

For more information about how to prepare for your chicks and how to take care of them click here. 

Let us Help:

Here at Arcola Feed, we have all of your needs when it comes to baby chicks, from the feed, shavings, waterers, feeders and even medications. Feel free to stop by and check out what we have to offer to help get your backyard flock started today.