Premier 1 Retailer

whole cottonseedPremier 1 Retailer: Once again, February brought in tons of new product lines at Arcola Feed.   We are now a retailer of Premier 1 Products.
Premier 1 is the manufacturer of tons of wonderful products for poultry and other livestock.   They make heating plates for chicks, which are so much safer than the old traditional heat lamps.  If you would rather have heat lamps than the plates, they make a heat lamp called the Prima Heat Lamp, which produces a great amount of heat, without the fears of metal housing and unprotected bulbs in the traditional heat lamps.
They also manufacture an array of electric and solar fencing products for your birds and small livestock.  Ear tags, including custom printed tags, tagger guns and so many more wonderful products.
Zignature dog food is back in stock at Arcola Feed. We have also expanded our supplement selection for pets, including CBD and joint care.
We also now carry whole cottonseed. Cottonseed is approximately 22% protein and 15% fat and can be fed as a whole ration or mixed in with your current ration for cattle or you can put it in your deer feeders!
In conclusion, come visit us for supplies and to see our Premier 1 products! We are located at 6215 FM 521 Arcola, Texas 77583. We are open Monday-Friday 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. and Saturday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.