National Homemade Bread Day

National Homemade Bread DayNational Homemade Bread Day Recipe Time! Today we celebrate National Homemade Bread Day, and with that I would like to include a little cheat sheet for getting some amazing sourdough starter that we previously used.


  • 2 cups warm water (if your water is heavily chlorinated or unfiltered, use bottled water) Chlorine retards the starter and can affect it.
  • 1 tablespoon sugar
  • 1 tablespoon instant dry yeast
  • 2 cups All Purpose Flour
  • 5–6 qt glass or ceramic bowl (do not use metal) – the bigger the better as this will GROW!
  • Clean dish linen


  1. Pour the water in the bowl and add the yeast then sugar. Do it in this order.
  2. Whisk this around until the sugar dissolves.
  3. Gradually stir in the flour until it’s all combined. It’ll look like thick pancake batter or possible a tad thicker.
  4. Cover it with a clean dish linen and set it aside on your countertop out of the way. Do not use plastic wrap, foil or the like. It needs to ‘breathe’ and build up bacteria.
  5. Let it go for 24 hours. Really! Just put it some place warm and let it rest. Just to give you an under-the-covers sneak peek THIS is what’s going on… THIS is good! DON’T Touch!

In Conclusion:

Enjoy this recipe on National Homemade Bread Day. Check out more recipes from Arcola Feed’s blog here.