Martin Luther King Jr. Day

Martin Luther King Jr. Day is Today: Today is a day of remembrance for Martin Luther King Jr. MLK made many accomplishments with his activism and involvement in the Civil Rights Movement. It is now a federal holdiday that is observed on the 3rd Monday in January. The third Monday generally falls around Martin Luther King Jr’s birthday – which is January 15th. 
Martin Luther King Jr. Day - photo of MLK statue

The idea for making MLK a federal holiday was originally proposed by congress soon after his assassination. It was a way to commemorate all of the things he accomplished. It wasn’t until 1983, that President Ronald Reagan made MLK day a federal holiday. This day is one of only three federal holidays to celebrate a citizen that never held public office. The others are George Washington and Christopher Columbus. 

Most of us associate MLK Day with a day off from school or even a day off of work. However, it is important to remember what the day is about. Remember that he helped to advanced civil rights for people of color. He was one of the most prominent leaders during the civil rights movement. 

Click here to learn more about his life and legacy. Want to learn more history of Federal Holidays? Click here to search our blog.