Local Honey at Arcola Feed

Local Honey at Arcola Feed, features a photos of chunks of raw honey in a bowl on a nice table.Local Honey at Arcola Feed! One of our favorite types of products are LOCAL products! This includes many items made by customers, and our most popular item is our LOCAL honey.

The honey we sell comes from Beesweet Honey, a local bee farm in Angleton, TX. Beesweet has been a family owned and operated bee farm since 2004. They have been providing us with raw and unfiltered honey for many years. Visit their website here!

When you go to the grocery store, you see a lot of honey claim to be “local”, but when you look at where it is from – most of the time it is from central Texas. While that is closer than most places, I still don’t really consider that local. Raw, local honey contains a blend of local pollen, which can strengthen a person’s immune system, and reduce pollen allergy symptoms. Therefore, it’s important to get honey sourced close to you for the benefit of your immune system!

One of the cool things about raw honey, is that it will crystalize over time. This is a great way to prove that honey the honey is truly raw and unfiltered. Beesweet honey is awesome because it can be used for so many things. For ecxample, barbecue glazes, to baking, or even just eating raw (which is one of my favorite ways to eat honey.)

So with that said, stop on by and  get your Local Honey at Arcola Feed, as we have a variety of sizes available.