Kidding Season List

Kidding Season List: photo of Bip the baby goat We are full on in the middle of kidding season at my house. Part of being ready for having babies in the barn is getting all of your equipment cleaned, organized, and close at hand.  You can NEVER be prepared for every emergency. However, you can help keep things on an even keel by having common items ready.

Here is my list of kidding equipment that stay in a tub in the barn:

  • old towels (used for drying kids off and cleaning them up, for instance.)
  • nasal aspirator (I actually use the towels for this, by wiping nostrils and insides of the mouths out.)  If I have a kid that isn’t breathing properly or sounds really “moist and/or congested” I hold them with their heads down and gently shake them and tap their ribs. Kids not breathing or gasping can be held by the ribs. Next, swing back and forth between your legs.
  • scissors to cut umbilical cord
  • gentle iodine for umbilical cords
  • shot glass to fill with iodine and dunk umbilical stump in
  • kid blankets or baby onesies for new kids on cold nights
  • heat lamps for newborn kids on cold nights
  • colostrum and milk replacer
  • empty coke bottles. (Moreover, pritchard nipples fit on these. They are used for colostrum or milk replacer. For example, I use them a few times, then throw them away.)
  • pritchard nipples
  • feeding tube (Have a kid that needs to be tube fed? Above all, please take the kid to a veterinarian, if you are not familiar with how it is done. Especially is it is too weak.) For example, some newborns may not be strong enough to have a good suck reflex for a few days.
  • heating pad (For example, if I need to bring one in the house in case of rejection, weak kid or death of doe.)
While this is no where near a complete Kidding Season List, it’s a good start. In conclusion, visit Arcola Feed for more tips!