How to Switch your Horses Feed – Doing it the Right Way

How to Switch your Horses FeedHow to Switch your Horses Feed – Doing it the Right Way.

One of the hardest parts about owning animals is making sure they receive adequate nutrition and that they are eating their feed well. Occasionally, you will find it necessary to switch feeding programs. This can be due to temperature, season, medical reasons or even changes in performance levels. Where we become concerned, is that if switching feed isn’t done correctly. To start, this can lead to a higher risk of developing laminitis or even colic. So the question to ask is, how do I switch my horses feed? Well, the answer is slowly.

According to the National Research Council’s Nutrient Requirements for Horses, “any changes in the amount or form of feed—including grain or concentrates, hay, and pasture—should be made gradually due to the horse’s sensitive digestive system. Gradual feed changes lessen the risk of colic due to digestive upset”. 

There are some general rules of thumb to changing your horses feed. This can be separated into which specific change you’re trying to make. 

Some Rules of Thumb:

If you seek to increase the amount of grain, they recommend increasing the ration by one-half pound per day. If you seek to switch types of hay, this must slowly be done. Replace 25% of the ration with the new forage every couple of days. Lastly, if you wish to turn a horse out on a lush pasture, it is best to limit their graze time to a short period. This will help avoid digestive upset. 

If you would like any additional information, please go to:

Finally, if you’re working with a veterinarian to make these changes they may recommend other methods or rate of change. We also recommend listening and talking to your veterinarian if you ever have any questions or concerns when it comes to your horses diet and nutrition.

In conclusion, if you have any questions about the types of feed we sell, feel free to come by, as one of our staff would be glad to help answer any questions you may have.