Happy Earth Day
Happy Earth Day! What can you do to help out mother earth? Lots of things! You can reduce, reuse and recycle. These three simple things all go hand in hand. Reduce your dependency on items that don’t come in a recyclable package. Reuse some of your items for other purposes and recycle what you can, when you can!
Recycling is easy and only takes a few minutes. You can reduce your footprint tremendously by recycling items like aluminum and other cans, plastics and cardboards. If you don’t have a trash company that will pick up recyclables, give them a call and ask them why not. If you rinse out your recyclables, you can wait until you get a large amount and take them yourself if you don’t have a trash service that offers this.
Another thing you can do is plant something! Trees help to reduce Co2, and purify our air. Flowers are beautiful and help our pollinators like bees, butterflies and even hummingbirds. Visit www.earthday.org for more ideas and ways you can help our wonderful planet.