Groundhog Day and Weight Loss

Groundhog Day and Weight LossHappy Groundhog Day! So far Texas winter hasn’t been too terrible….I probably shouldn’t say that since we all know what happened this time last year! Let’s keep our fingers crossed that we don’t have to deal with that again!
I turned 54 years old exactly 30 days ago. On my birthday, I made a promise to myself, I won’t call it a resolution, because I NEVER keep those. So, this is a PROMISE…to lose 54 pounds, one pound for each year, by July 3rd. That’s six months. So far, so good.
I have managed to drop just under 12 pounds in 30 days.  I haven’t done ANYTHING drastic.  No crazy diets, no killer exercise program.  I have just tried to make better choices in the foods and the amounts I eat, and try to cut back on my wine consumption.
I saw that super cool looking hula  hoop ring thingy on TikTok, but I am too cheap to spend $40 on that, so I am doing the exercises WITHOUT the hoop, every day, twice a day. I started out with 50 reps in each direction, then went to 75, then 100, and now I am doing it for 15 minutes, twice a day.  Also walking to the barn and not driving over there, more often…not every time but more often.
I plan on posting my progress on here every 30 days, so stay tuned! In conclusion, visit Arcola Feed on this Groundhog Day to discuss weight loss with me!