Get Ready for The Fort Bend County Fair

Ferris Wheel at the fort bend county fair with sun setting in the backgroundGet Ready for The Fort Bend County Fair with Arcola Feed! The fair is just around the corner, in fact, it is only a little over ten weeks away! If you have a fair project, be it turkeys, broilers, lambs, goats, steers or heifers, stop by Arcola Feed to get all you need for your project.

We have halters, feeders, buckets, many of the top winning brands of feed and supplements, along with hay and shavings. We carry a wide variety of supplements, too. Summers are hot and they can be hard on your show animals.  Keeping them on feed can be difficult. Check out some of our Show feeds and supplements here.

Tips for Show Animals:

Make sure you are providing plenty of fresh, clean cool water. Livestock will back off their water consumption if the water is warm. Make sure your water is in a shaded spot, out of the sun, especially during the afternoons.  You can help keep it cool by adding cool water during the middle part of the day.

You can also freeze milk jugs full of water and add them to your water troughs to help keep them cool.  Consider adding electrolytes to your feed or water to help drive your animals to consume enough water during the hottest parts of the next few months. While some may think of it as an unnecessary expense, there are several reasons why electrolytes are important for show animals. It can prevent dehydration, improve performance, reduce stress, and maintain the animal’s overall health. It’s necessary to follow manufacturer instructions, seek advice from your veterinarian, and use electrolytes in conjunction with other best practices like proper nutrition and adequate water supply.

You might also consider slick shearing your projects or at least a partial shear along the back, belly, chest and lower neck to help them maintain a lower body temperature.

In conclusion, visit us at Arcola Feed to Get Ready for The Fort Bend County Fair!