Eggs, Gardens and Emu, Oh My!
Spring garden seeds are here! Don’t have a garden? Fear not! Many of these vegetables and herbs grow great in containers!
Our daughter, Alex, grew tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers and more in containers on her balcony of her apartment in College Station! It is an awesome feeling to be able to serve something for dinner that you grew!
Speaking of, did you know that we sell our own eggs at the feed store? Yep! I have a medium flock (about 40 hens) of mixed breeds including Speckled Sussex, Black Copper Maran, Production Red, Araucana, Ameraucana, Olive Eggers and Easter Eggers. My girls have access to sunlight, can take a sand bath, and get fed a high protein layer ration with added Omegas, along with my kitchen scraps and the pulp from Juice It Raw at HEB! Bucky brings me his pulp several times a week and my girls love it! I have a handful of free range hens, too, but, with hawks, owls, bald eagles (yes we DO have them here) in the sky, and coyotes and bobcats, most of them are kept in a large pen. The eggs my girls lay are colorful and yummy, too!
While we are talking eggs, check out what we have in the incubator! Yep, emu eggs! They are due to hatch any day now! Check our Facebook page for updates!